Maguire interviewed by Computerworld about the Danish datacenter industry

James Maguire was interviewed by Computerworld about his research about the Danish datacenter industry and he brings forward his ideas of how Denmark can benefit from big tech’s investments in hyper scale data centers in Denmark. Maguire argues that Denmark should focus on establishing itself as a knowledge hub for data and infrastructure and thereby attract […]

Dalsgaard’s research proposal receives funding from DFF-Danish ERC-programme 

Associate Professor Steffen Dalsgaard has received funding for the research proposal for SOCCAR (Sociocultural Carbon) from the Independent Research Fund Denmark’s (DFF) ERC-programme which aims to strengthen the opportunities for talented researchers to obtain grants from the European Research Council. Go to DFF’s website to read the news (Text in Danish). The SOCCAR project The SOCCAR project seeks […]

Program for DASTS 2018 at ITU is available

The DASTS Conference is right around the corner, as TiP and the IT University open the doors Thursday the 24th of May. The programme is now available so go check it out here. The theme and title of the conference is Engaging the Data Moment, indicating a moment of collective reflection upon the digitalization and datafication […]

Maguire in about Data Centers and Energy in Denmark

Post doctoral researcher in TiP, James Maguire, has written a debate piece for about the marriage between the Danish state and Big Tech companies, who are moving in on Danish soil to build data centers and to fulfil their promises of investment, jobs and green energy. Maguire points out that it is still unclear […]

Talk by Winthereik and Maguire at Centre for Social Data Science

On April 20th 2018, Professor Brit Ross Winthereik and Postdoc James Maguire will give a talk on the Centre for Social Data Science (SODAS) as part of their Spring Lecture Series. The title of Winthereik and Maguire’s talk is “Locating the Dataverse: Big Tech and the State”. The lecture will take place at Copenhagen University […]

Streaming of Data as Relation’s After Work Event “Digitale Dilemmaer”

Live-streaming of the event How does digitalisation change the work conditions in public governance, and what are the opportunities and challenges by using data as governing technology? At this after work event, professionals from the public and private sector who work with data and digitalisation can hear about the latest research on datadriven public governance. The after work […]

Inaugural Professorial Lecture by Brit Ross Winthereik

By January 1st 2018, Head of TiP, Brit Ross Winthereik, started a new position as full professor at ITU, where she will continue her research, teaching and public engagement on digital transformations in society. Brit will give her inaugural professorial lecture ‘Seeing through infrastructure: Ethnographies of health IT, development aid, energy, and data’. The lecture […]

Sarah Pink

Stream talk by Professor Sarah Pink: Emerging Technologies and Automated Worlds

On February 1st, TiP and ETHOS Lab were proud to host a talk by Professor Sarah Pink, Distinguished Professor at the Digital Ethnography Research Centre at RMIT University, Australia. Stream the talk online If you were unable to attend the event, and wonder if it has a digital existence, look no further. On ETHOS Lab’s Facebook page […]

After-Work Event about the Dilemmas of Digitization

The team behind the Data as Relation research project invites practitioners and people with an interest in public digitisation to an afternoon event about governance in the data driven society. Event details The event takes place at the IT-University on the 13th of March 2018 from 14.30-16.00. The event consists of short presentations from our latest research […]

Talk and Workshop with Nick Seaver

Nick Seaver, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and core faculty in Science, Technology, and Society at Tufts University, visits the ITU and gives a talk about care and scale in the context of digital music streaming and personalization. After the talk, there will be a workshop where participants are invited to collaboratively reimagine potential relationships between […]

Retreat for the Data as Relation Research Group

The researchers in the Data as Relation project will retreat to the manor Fuglsang Herregård for 2 days to share and discuss the sub-projects with each other.  The retreat will take place on November 5-7th 2017, and the purpose is to harvest the seeds the team planted, when the project was kicked off early in 2017. About […]

New Research Project about Migrants’ Use of ICT

The Velux Foundation has granted 6 million Danish Kroner to the research project “Diginauts” which will investigate how migrants use mobile phones and other digital equipment to navigate geographically, socially and politically when they travel through Europe. The research project is a collaboration between Aalborg University, University of Copenhagen and the IT University with Associate […]

DASTS Conference 2018 at the ITU

On May 24th-25th 2018, the ITU hosts the biannual Danish Association for STS (DASTS) Conference. The 2018 DASTS conference is organised by the Technologies in Practice research group. Themes The theme for the conference is the data moment, and DASTS states the following about their 2018 conference: “Given the speculative and hype infused conjuncture we […]

Keynote presentation by Brit Winthereik at the University of Sussex

Head of TiP, Associate Professor Brit Ross Winthereik, will give a keynote presentation at the international workshop “Reconfiguring Care Infrastructures: Austerity and Innovation in European Welfare Services” at the University of Sussex on the 15-16 November 2017. The workshop will explore the reconfiguration of health and welfare in different European settings. The Department of Sociology is […]

Vasilis Galis Publishes Research on Immigration Control and Borders

Associate Professor from TiP, Vasilis Galis, just published the paper “We are all foreigners in an analogue world – cyber-material alliances in contesting immigration control in Stockholm’s metro system“ with co-author Jane Summerton. The paper investigates internal border controls in Sweden and the emergence of practices in which activist groups organized and performed resistance through the use of […]

“The Digital Citizen” – Schou and Hjelholt Launch New Book

PhD Fellow Jannick Schou and Associate Professor Morten Hjelholt, from the research groups TiP and Culture and Communication at ITU, just published a book called “The Digital Citizen”. The book (in Danish) asks “What does it mean to be made and to act as a digital citizen?” Drawing upon multiple empirical cases, including studies of citizen service centers […]

ETHOS Lab Installation for Culture Night 2017

If you missed the Requiem of a Spacecraft event at ETHOS Lab, then you have a chance of re-visiting the mission control center that will be set up for Kulturnatten 2017 (Culture Night) at the IT University on Friday, October 13. For Culture Night, ETHOS Lab will also be launching the ‘Googlification Bubble’ allowing visitors […]

Smart Society SummIT 2017 – Winthereik and Schick joins the Big Data track

Two of TiP’s researchers will participate at this year’s SummIT about Smart Society and the technologies which will shape the future smart societies. Associate Professor and Head of TiP Brit Winthereik will do a presentation about data-driven management from 10.00-11.10am, and Assistant Professor Lea Schick will moderate the Big Data and Business Intelligence discussions. The conference is organised by […]

Irina Shklovski as Panel Participant at UNI conference

Associate Professor, Irina Shklovski, will participate in a panel debate at the UNI conference on the future world of work on disruption and work conditions in engineering on Wednesday 13 September 2017. Theme: The future world of work The Association of Nordic Engineers (ANE)1, UNI partner-organisation is organising a panel debate to present views on engineers’ future […]

TiP Participation at the 4S Conference

PhD fellows in the TiP group will be presenting their papers at this year’s 4S Conference in Boston. Michael Hockenhull will present his paper “The Widening Gyre of Data Infrastructure Development” for the panel Engaging with Data: Making Sense of Data on Wednesday August 30, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Sheraton Boston, 3, Beacon E. Bastian Jørgensen will present the […]

Laura Watts receives the Cultural Innovation International Prize

As part of an international team, Laura Watts won the Cultural Innovation International Prize, awarded by CCCB in Barcelona, for The Newton Machine, a community-build energy storage system! The design/ethnography project is with James Auger and Julian Hanna at M-ITI Madeira, the community trust on the island of Eday, Orkney (Scotland), and Mark Hull at […]

Ethnographic Description and Digital Sociology Seminar with Noortje Marres

Noortje Marres guests the TiP group for a seminar. Taking a point of departure in a chapter from Noortje Marres’ most recent book “Digital Sociology” we invite the participants of this seminar to develop the notion of situated analytics. Specifically, we begin by discussing a couple of pre-circulated readings, focusing on how they help us […]


VIRT-EU at the Techfestival in Copenhagen

The research project VIRT-EU will this year participate in the Tech Festival, which will be held in the Meatpacking District in Copenhagen. On September the 6th, VIRT-EU and the ThingsCon will throw a ThingsCon Salon about ethics and responsibility in IoT. The ThingsCon Salon The ThingsCon Salon Copenhagen aims to create a space for exploration […]

August 16th STS Salon about IoT and Public Governance

On Wednesday August 16th 2017 at the weekly STS Salon, TiP receives a visit from researchers from the Norwegian research project InfraData. TiP urges faculty and other interested parties to join us for talks about the Internet of Things, public governance and infrastructures. The event takes place at the IT University in room 2A08 from 12 pm […]

Grant for Anthropology of Technology Research Network

A new research network sees the light of day! TiP will participate in a research network called “Anthropology of Technology: Future technologies, culture and human practices” that received funding from the Independent Research Council. Anthropology and ethnographic methods are already used to gain insights into human-technology relations in different interdisciplinary fields of technology, but there is […]

tracking, activity, data, device

Article in Science Report about Gorm’s research on activity tracking in the workplace

PhD student Nanna Gorm was interviewed for the digital magazine Science Report about her research on activity tracking in the workplace. In a comparison with American activity tracking initiatives, she argues that Danish companies should learn from the mistakes of the American programmes when planning tracking of their employees’ health, and moreover, she emphasises the salience […]

Head of TiP will give a keynote at Infrastructures for Healthcare on June 23rd

Head of the research group TiP, Brit Ross Winthereik will give a keynote at the international conference, Infrastructures for Healthcare (IHC) on June 23rd 2017. Brit’s talk, entitled “The Assiduous Patient as Infrastructure of Health Care”, will deal with ‘wicked problems’, which are problems with a high degree of complexity like how to best share the responsibilities for patient […]

Nanna Gorm and Irina Shklovski receive Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2017

At this year’s CHI conference, researchers from TiP, Nanna Gorm and Irina Shklovski received an Honorable Mention Award for the paper entitled “Finding the Right Fit: Understanding Health Tracking in Workplace Wellness Programs”. The Honorable Mention award is awarded to the top 5% of all submissions to the SIGCHI 2017 conference. The CHI conference received over 2400 […]

Nanna Gorm presenting PhD thesis at Metric Life conference

TiP’s Nanna Gorm will present the latest findings from her PhD project at the Metric Life conference in Aarhus on Thursday June 8th 2017 with the talk ‘Juxtaposing “pushed” and “private” self-tracking’. In the abstract, Nanna Gorm sums up the main points: “Activity tracking technologies are increasingly introduced in workplace settings, either as part of short-term campaigns or […]

IoT and ethics – article about the VIRT-EU project in IDA

IDA, the Danish Society of Engineers, interviewed Associate Professor, Irina Shklovski, from the TiP Group, about the ITU research project, VIRT-EU, and why there’s a need to ensure that future IoT products respect concerns of personal data. In the article, principal investigator of the project, Irina Shklovski argues that many small-scale or start-up IoT companies lack an […]

James Maguire PhD Defence

On Thursday, May 4th between 13:00-16:00 in Auditorium 2, James Maguire will defend his PhD thesis, entitled Icelandic Geopower: Accelerating and Infrastructuring Energy Landscapes. The PhD forms part of the Alien Energy research project, which has been reflecting on the impacts and effects of renewable energy initiatives at the edge, from geothermal energy to marine […]

TiP in Conversation with Anna Tsing and Jamie Cross

We warmly invite you to join us and participate in an extended conversation with Professor Anna Tsing (Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene) and Dr Jamie Cross (Social Anthropology and ‘Energy Data for All’, Edinburgh University) next Wednesday. Both will talk about their current work, and then we invite you to reflect on how this […]

March 9th Data as Relation Launch event

Join us for public talks on big data and public governance in connection with the launch of the new ITU research project, Data as Relation, on Thursday, March 9, from 11.30-13.00. The big data revolution has reached the public sector in Denmark. As a forerunner in Europe, the Danish public sector uses large quantities of […]

OpenITU: Recommended for You Can AI Give Us What We Want?

TiP’s Irina Shklovski will be speaking at the upcoming OpenITU, entitled “Recommended for You: Can AI Give us what we want?” The event takes place on the 10th of February at 16:00-17:30, in ITU’s ScrollBar Recommended for You will take up the issue of AI in predictive preference and recommending systems: All over the internet, […]