Nanna Gorm and Irina Shklovski receive Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2017

At this year’s CHI conference, researchers from TiP, Nanna Gorm and Irina Shklovski received an Honorable Mention Award for the paper entitled “Finding the Right Fit: Understanding Health Tracking in Workplace Wellness Programs”.

The Honorable Mention award is awarded to the top 5% of all submissions to the SIGCHI 2017 conference. The CHI conference received over 2400 submissions this year, and 97 were chosen for Honorable Mention.

The paper was authored by Nanna Gorm, Irina Shklovski from the IT University of Copenhagen and Chia Fang Chung and Sean A. Munson from the University of Washington.

Find the full article here.


Posted in News, Research.