publicETHOS: Mining the Web with Hyphe

On December 1st in DesignLab from 13:00-16:00  A lecture and workshop with Mathieu Jacomy, Research Engineer, Science Po médialab, Paris. Can we find our way in the web without Google? The web is not structured as a library, but it is not chaos either. Thanks to graph theory we have a better understanding of the […]

Maintaining Technological Worlds: Care and its ambivalences

On October 10th Marisa Cohn is convening a workshop called Maintaining Technological Worlds: Care and its ambivalences Recent work to develop an analytic of “matters of care” in technoscience (Puig de la Bellacasa 2011) has examined care work in worlds of biology, agriculture, health and heritage often attending to the role of technologies in mediating […]

TiP at 4S/EASST Barcelona

This year, a huge number of members of our research group will be presenting and convening tracks at the EASST/4S conference in Barcelona, August 31st-September 3rd. Here’s a list (updated): T065 The Experimental Organization: Becoming by Doing, co-convened by Brit Winthereik Critique: In Organizational Experiment a paper by Brit Winthereik and Christopher Gad, on T065 Managing […]

Alien Energy: Upcoming Lectures by Stefan Helmreich and Noortje Marres

As part of the closing conference for the Alien Energy research project, we are pleased to invite you to the following public lectures at the ITU in October. Professor Stefan Helmreich “The Water Next Time: Changing Wavescapes in the Anthropocene” Wednesday Oct 19 at 16:00 in Aud 2, IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 Abstract Do ocean waves have […]

PhD defence: Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgard

Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgaard will publicly defend her thesis entitled: The Election Machine – Generating Danish Democracy The defense will take place: Friday 17. June, 2016 at 13.00, Auditorium 4, IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgards Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen S Assessment committee: Associate Professor Kimberley Coles, University of Redlands Associate Professor Peter Danholt, Aarhus […]

Lars Rune Christensen appointed member of The Danish Disability Council

Lars Rune Christensen, Associate Professor and present Head of TiP, has been appointed a member of ‘The Danish Disability Council’, where he will be a voice on technology and the life situation of persons with disabilities.  The Council’s tasks are to monitor the situation of disabled people in society, in view of UN Convention on Rights for Persons […]

Nanna Gorm and Irina Shklovski presenting at the CSCW Conference

How can we evaluate activity tracking initiatives in the workplace? Article by TiP researchers on activity tracking in the workplace presented at CSCW conference Nanna Gorm and Irina Shklovski have co-authored an article presenting findings from an observational study of a workplace participating in a step-counting campaign. The paper was presented at the Computer-Supported Cooperative […]

Screenshot of editorial

Special Issue Released: “Environmental Management as Situated Practice”

TiP’s assistant professor Ingmar Lippert announced the publication of a  special issue on environmental management in the key geography journal Geoforum. Entitled Environmental Management as Situated Practice, the collection of papers contributes to theoretical conversations in the borderlands between Science and Technology Studies (STS), Environmental Anthropology, Environmental Sociology, Critical Management Studies and (More-than-)Human Geography. With […]

Public lecture: E-waste, obsolescence and sustainable HCI

The IT-University of Copenhagen March 2nd, 3A12/14 10:00 –12:00 PM Abstract Technological innovation and advancements in manufacturing have turned consumer electronics into an easily replaceable commodity in people’s everyday lives. The result is an ever-increasing cycle of replacement that renders devices obsolete and creates large amounts of e-waste, threatening environmental sustainability. To tackle the problem […]

Christopher Gad Elected chairman of DASTS

Christopher Gad Elected chairman of DASTS At the board meeting for the Danish Association of Science and Technology Studies (DASTS) in September 2015, Christopher Gad voted chairman, after Torben Elgaard Jensen, Aalborg University, had announced his wish to step down. DASTS is the professional association for Science and Technology Studies researchers in Denmark. The aim […]

New head of B.Sc. in Global Business Informatics (GBI)

Associate Professor Steffen Dalsgaard took over as Head of Programme for the B.Sc. in Global Business Informatics on January 1. He is a member of the Technologies in Practice research group, where he studies: 1) democratic technologies and 2) carbon trading from an anthropological perspective. He has previously acted as course manager and lecturer on […]

#DASTS 2016

This year’s Danish STS Conference, Interpellating Futures,  will be held in Aarhus, June 2-3.  The call for papers has just been issued, and two of the sessions have been proposed by members of TiP –  Session 3: Dreams for the Future: technocracy, utopianism, fantasy, anxiety was proposed by TiP’s Rachel Douglas-Jones, Marisa Cohn and Ingmar […]

Dear TIP – Retirement Randi Markussen

On the occasion of her retirement, Randi Markussen issued the following message to the Technologies in Practice research group.  Dear TiP Thank you to all of you who participated in the reception and contributed to making it such an extraordinary fine event. I cannot think of a better way of celebrating retirement. And thanks for the […]

Call for Papers: Digital Evidence

Call for Papers for Philosophy and Technology’s special issue on Digital Evidence Guest Editors Judith Simon (IT University Copenhagen & University of Vienna) Shannon Vallor (Santa Clara University) Introduction Digital technologies of the 21st century are profoundly transforming the nature of evidence and evidential practices in a wide range of domains, including science, medicine, law, […]

Big Data & Ethics – PhD course with Geoffrey Bowker

Big Data & Ethics – PhD course with Geoffrey Bowker Monday May 23 – Tuesday May 24, IT-University of Copenhagen Credits 3.5 ECTS Lecturers Geoffrey Bowker, Professor, UC Irvine, Visiting Velux professor at the ITU Allison Powell, Programme director, London School of Economics & Political Science Rachel Douglas–Jones, Assistant Professor, IT-University of Copenhagen    Course […]

Tea in TiP: Atsuro Morita

Atsuro Morita works as an Associate  Professor of Anthropology at Osaka University, in the Faculty of Human Sciences. He is visiting ITU for 12 months as part of the Environmental Infrastructures research project, which is convened between faculty at ITU, Copenhagen University and the host institution, Osaka University.   Rachel Douglas-Jones: Thanks for finding the […]

Public Talk By Geoffrey Bowker: The Data Citizen

New Modes of Being in the Emergent Internet of Things Public Talk By Geoffrey Bowker The IT-University of Copenhagen April 1st, Aud 2, 14:15 –15:45 PM In his talk Geoffrey Bowker will explore ways in which the experience of being human is being altered through big data analytics. While there is a filiation with the […]

Katerina Psarikidou

Katerina Psarikidou visits #EnvironmentalFutures to discuss urban mobility&low carbon futures

TiP&EnergyFuture’s #EnvironmentalFutures Seminar Series presents Unpacking the multiple temporalities of urban mobilities for configuring low-carbon futures 11th November @ ITU, Room 3A08, 12noon by Dr. Katerina Psarikidou, Department of Sociology, Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University, UK This paper focuses on the multiple temporal aspects that we need to take into consideration for configuring low […]

Tea in TiP: Interview with Visiting Professor John Law

John Law has recently retired from the Open University and was visiting TiP for five months between August 2014 and February 2015. During our Tea in TiP interview, we talked about his ongoing research interests and fieldwork, and what he was working on whilst at ITU. Rachel Douglas-Jones: Hi John, thanks for finding the time […]

Tea in TiP: Interview with Visiting Professor Estrid Sørensen

Estrid Sørensen is a Professor at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and PI of the research group “Spaces of Anthropological Knowledge”. She visited TiP group in Spring 2015, and Rachel interviewed her for the Tea in TiP series. Read on to find out more about Estrid’s research interests and activities in Copenhagen.   Rachel: Hi Estrid! Thanks […]

The Many Potential Materialities of Information

Monday, October 12, 14-16 ITU, Rued Langaards vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen S – Room 5A60 The lecture is open to the public Abstract Ours is an age of virtuality, in several different senses — in the centrality of theoretical knowledge, in the logic of economic speculation, and in the ever-growing encroach of the digital. In […]

PhD Course: New Ethnographic Methods for Technology Studies

On Tuesday October 27 11:00 – Thursday Oct 29 (13:00) TiP will be hosting a PhD course entitled New Ethnographic Methods for Technology Studies: Between the Field and the Desk. You can find below the details of the lecturers, readings, and how to apply.   Organizers Christopher Gad, Marisa Cohn, Rachel Douglas-Jones Technologies in Practice  & Ethos […]

Darrin Durant visits TiP

Darrin Durant, University of Melbourne, visits ITU on Monday 21st September. After having worked at York University in Toronto for many years, Darrin recently returned to his native Australia and is currently preparing to launch a new interdisciplinary Masters degree in science, technology and innovation studies in Melbourne. In addition, to scheduling meetings with participating teachers […]

EnergyScapes: Making Air, Land, and Sea Environments

Half Day Seminar (Registration Required) 23 September 2015 8:45 – 12.30 Room 3A08 at ITU How does navigating through an environment shape the environment and, in turn, how does the environment ‘kick back’ to shape people, technologies, and energy? This event will explore how different sociotechnical environments, from the military and their drone aircraft in […]

Geoffrey Bowker will be visiting IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark Feb-June 2016

Professor Geoffrey Bowker, University of California, Irvine will be Velux Visiting Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, Technologies in Practice research group between February and June 2016. Bowker’s research is particular dedicated to investigate the use of web and other digital resources across a set of disciplines. He works with scholars to uncover ways […]

Joint launch of the REAL Lab and the ETHOS Lab on 17th of April

Two new Labs are launching at the ITU this week; REAL Lab and ETHOS Lab. REAL is the new Robotics, Evolution and Art Lab, which has a vision of doing research on the border between fiction and fact, and the ETHOS lab combines digital, anthropological and design methods to approach research, teaching and organisational services. […]

Paul Dourish will be visiting IT University of Copenhagen, Oct-Nov 2015

Paul Dourish is a Professor at the Informatics Department at University of California, Irvine, and will be Velux Visiting Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, Technologies in Practice research group in Oct-Nov 2015. Dourish’ research lies broadly at the intersection of computer science and social science. He work in the areas of human-computer interaction […]

2015 ESST European Award for Aspiring Undergraduates

The European Inter-University Association on Society, Science and Technology (ESST) is sponsoring an award of 1,000 € for the best undergraduate essay on the connection between science and society (or technology and society). Undergraduates from all fields studying at any European university are eligible to apply. Science and engineering students can submit an essay that […]

Mapping Danish Research on Research and Innovation

Associate Professor at the ITU, Brit Ross Winthereik has been identified by a ministry report as one of the leading figures in Danish research in research and innovation. The report presents results of a study aimed at mapping the Danish research in research and innovation. The report was tailored to capture complexity and contains results […]

Katie Pine, Ethnography and the Corporate Encounter: Organizational Ethnography in an Industry Research Lab, Tuesday April 14th.

Open Lecture: Katie Pine, Ethnography and the Corporate Encounter: Organizational Ethnography in an Industry Research Lab, Tuesday April 14th: 10:00-12:00, 5A14/16  Ethnographic inquiry is increasingly sought after beyond the walls of academia, in settings such as industry research labs, consultancies, and design research firms. In this talk, I will discuss my experiences in corporate ethnography while […]

The 2016 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing

The 2016 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing will be held in San Francisco, California, USA from February 27 – March 2, 2016. CSCW is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed conference seeking the best research on all topics relevant to collaborative and social computing. We invite authors to submit papers that […]

Environmental futures

We all want a green future. But who is we? And what green future are we talking about? These questions are explored by ITU’s Technologies in Practice (TiP) research group and the strategic research area Energy Futures in their seminar series: Environmental Futures. Denmark aims to turn into a green nation, which means there’s already a […]

CSCW 2015 Lasting impact award

Wanda Orlikowski (MIT) is the winner of the CSCW 2015 Lasting Impact award for her 1992 CSCW paper “Learning from Notes: organizational issues in groupware implementation”. The paper is a classic in CSCW research, and will be celebrated with a dedicated panel at the CSCW2015 in Vancouver, Canada. Following Wanda Orlikowski’s retrospective presentation of the […]

Bringing research to Project Managers

“Does distance still matter – reflections for project managers” was the title of the talk done by Pernille Bjørn (Head of TiP) in the InnovationLab network for project managers on January 7th 2015. The talk presented theoretical frameworks of collaboration across distance, and how this have changed over the last decade. In particular, there were […]

Critical Systems Lecture Series: Brokerage: Mediating Datafication, Citizenship and the City

Tomorrow on 5th of February, 10:30-12:00, in 3A08, a Critical Systems lecture will take place. Datafication is transforming citizenship in cities around the world by introducing new relationships between citizens and governments. This paper examines how the emergence of various forms of data brokerage by companies as well as civic entities recasts notions of citizenship […]

ConflictIT: Technologies in Conflicted Cities

ConflictIT is an interdisciplinary research project dedicated to investigating technologies, collaboration, and politics as these emerge in tech start-up companies located within the geographical region of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. What makes this case particularly interesting is the unique collaborative setup, with IT developers located in two offices that are only 13 miles apart, however, the […]

Open Lecture: Mark Elam on “The Cigarette Case: Exemplifying the Complexity of Contemporary Matters of Concern”

Friday 30th January 2015, 13-14 in the Design Lab, ITU. Abstract: The mapping complexity course is concerned with working through case studies to chart and visualize the heterogeneous relations and practices constituting matters of collective concern. In other words, mapping complexity implies developing competences enabling you to make the fluid and contingent multiplicity of things […]

Information Infrastructures in Healthcare

ITU researcher Pernille Bjørn (TiP) and Professor Gunnar Ellingsen (University of Tromsø, Norway) have just finished 2-years work on a special issue of the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS) dedicated to Action Research, Interventions, and Participatory Design. This special issue is now published online. Over the last 10 years research on Information Infrastructures in […]