ETHOS Lab Installation for Culture Night 2017


If you missed the Requiem of a Spacecraft event at ETHOS Lab, then you have a chance of re-visiting the mission control center that will be set up for Kulturnatten 2017 (Culture Night) at the IT University on Friday, October 13.
For Culture Night, ETHOS Lab will also be launching the ‘Googlification Bubble’ allowing visitors to enter a physical thought bubble setting the scene for interacting with the Google Home device. This is an experiment of reflecting on what it means to invite these devices and the embedded politics into people’s homes and lives. Our other digital assistant Alexa, will also be hosting sessions where visitors can interact and play games, getting a taste of the digital home and the capabilities of these assistants facilitating social group interaction. Everyone is welcome to come and try out our 3 installations and be part of the experiment.

Posted in Events, News.