Requiem for a Spacecraft

On Friday the 15th of September, the NASA Spacecraft Cassini will conclude its controlled descent into Saturn’s atmosphere. In the ETHOS Lab, TiP ethnographers will combine long term ethnographic research with realtime collection of the #grandfinale hashtag, and (hopefully) livestreaming from NASA as Cassini’s final communications come through from Saturn. Marisa Cohn has conducted a […]

Günter Getzinger

The Future of Mobility – Environmental Futures Public Lecture

TiP’s Environmental Futures Seminar Series announces its first Public Lecture: The Future of Mobility an Environmental Futures Public Lecture by Günter Getzinger (Graz/Klagenfurt) on October 28, 2016 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM @ Room 5a60. Abstract Mobility behavior of young adults at the age of 16 to 36 year – the so-called generation Y – […]

TiP at 4S/EASST Barcelona

This year, a huge number of members of our research group will be presenting and convening tracks at the EASST/4S conference in Barcelona, August 31st-September 3rd. Here’s a list (updated): T065 The Experimental Organization: Becoming by Doing, co-convened by Brit Winthereik Critique: In Organizational Experiment a paper by Brit Winthereik and Christopher Gad, on T065 Managing […]

PhD Summer School, Spain: Techno Science Societies

“Techno Science Societies: Between Myth Formation and Societal Structure” Date: From 18 to 22 July 2016 Objective: The main objective of this summer school is to unfold the changes in social structure and the narratives about them as well as their reciprocal dynamic of amplification and demise. What is the relation between changing social structures […]

Tea in TiP: Interview with Visiting Professor John Law

John Law has recently retired from the Open University and was visiting TiP for five months between August 2014 and February 2015. During our Tea in TiP interview, we talked about his ongoing research interests and fieldwork, and what he was working on whilst at ITU. Rachel Douglas-Jones: Hi John, thanks for finding the time […]

Darrin Durant visits TiP

Darrin Durant, University of Melbourne, visits ITU on Monday 21st September. After having worked at York University in Toronto for many years, Darrin recently returned to his native Australia and is currently preparing to launch a new interdisciplinary Masters degree in science, technology and innovation studies in Melbourne. In addition, to scheduling meetings with participating teachers […]

EnergyScapes: Making Air, Land, and Sea Environments

Half Day Seminar (Registration Required) 23 September 2015 8:45 – 12.30 Room 3A08 at ITU How does navigating through an environment shape the environment and, in turn, how does the environment ‘kick back’ to shape people, technologies, and energy? This event will explore how different sociotechnical environments, from the military and their drone aircraft in […]

Environmental futures

We all want a green future. But who is we? And what green future are we talking about? These questions are explored by ITU’s Technologies in Practice (TiP) research group and the strategic research area Energy Futures in their seminar series: Environmental Futures. Denmark aims to turn into a green nation, which means there’s already a […]

STS Reading group Spring 2015

The aim of the reading group is to critically engage with current STS related topics and discussions based on selected readings. Previous topics have included ‘The Ontological Turn’, ‘Politics and the Political’, and ‘After Nature?’ Participants from all disciplinary backgrounds with an interest in STS are welcome to join the reading group. If interested, please contact Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgaard: to get more info.

Technologies of Time – an interdisciplinary PhD workshop

This workshop is aimed at PhD students in a broad variety of disciplines, such as anthropology, archaeology, ethnology, history, science and technology (STS) and other related disciplines. The workshop invites papers dealing with the intersection of ‘time work’ and research, and not the least how specific (new) forms of technology reconfigure the temporality of the relation between researcher and object in a field of study.

Te i TiP with Elena Parmiggiani

Elena Parmiggiani is visiting TiP from the Institute of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. She is based in the computer science department there, and is here in Copenhagen between the 8th- 21st September 2014

Nordic STS

In May 2014 people from University of Gothenburg, University of Linköbing, Oslo University, Aarhus University, University of Aalborg and the IT University met. These images illustrate how ‘Nordic STS’ was discussed and performed. Enjoy!

STS reading group 2012-2014

We are a group of PhD students working within STS setting up a reading group at the IT University. We come together around the study of socio-technical networks with a focus on various publics.

DemTech: e-Voting Technologies

Investigators: Randi Markussen, Christopher Gad, Nina Boulus Date: 2011 – present Over the last four decades, information technology has begun to transform the electoral process—perhaps the most foundational process upon which democratic societies are built.  Computers are gradually replacing manual parts of the democratic process by, for example, tallying results in Excel spreadsheets, predicting exit […]

Ingmar Lippert

Assistant Professor
Office 3B08
Phone +45 7218 5151
Research Interests: Science and Technology Studies (STS), Actor-Network Theory and After, ontic/ontological politics, sociology of calculation, numbers, performativity of economics, organisation studies, environmental management, environmental accounting, environmental practices, carbon, climate change, Pierre Bourdieu, libertarian theory and practice.

Framing Screens Workshop

Instrumental ethnography: An ethnography of (quasi)objects

This collaborative project focuses on ethnography in STS. The project takes seriously the void encountered between theoretical insights about what sociotechnical networks are and how they work, and the existing tools to explore such networks…