PhD Defense John Mark Burnett

IT University of Copenhagen Rued Langgaards Vej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark

John Mark Burnett will defend his PhD, "Health Data Ecosystems: Contested Valuations in Denmark" on June 20th, 2022, 13:00. The defense takes place in Auditorium 2, at the IT University of Copenhagen. It will be followed by a reception in the ITU canteen. Informaiton on the PhD and the examination committee is available here.

Welfare After Digitalization: Digitalizing Welfare, Outsourcing Responsibility

By bringing together decision-makers, interest organizations, NGO’s, citizens, journalists, educators, and researchers the conference Welfare after Digitalization will try to take stock of digitalization’s effect on the public sector. Numerous TiP-sters will participate in the Welfare After Digitalization conference this week. The goal of the conference is to better understand what welfare has become after […]

The Grand Opening of the Center for Climate IT

IT University of Copenhagen Rued Langgaards Vej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark

On 7 December 2022, the Center for Climate IT launched with an event at the IT University. The afternoon featured a presentation of the center’s vision from Head of Center Steffen Dalsgaard and Associate Professor James Maguire, a talk on climate sustainability at ITU from Vice-Chancellor Per Bruun Brockhoff, and research presentations from ITU-based researchers Associate Professor Anna Vallgårda from […]

PhD Defense: Andy Lautrup

Andy Lautrup will defend their PhD, Generation Carbon: Loss, goodness and youth climate activism in Norway's oil capital, on December 19th at 13:00 in Auditorium 0. Examination committee:Associate Professor, James Maguire, IT-University of Copenhagen (Chair)Associate Professor, Gökçe Günel, Rice UniversityProfessor, Simone Abram, Durham University Supervisor:Professor, Steffen Dalsgaard, IT-University of Copenhagen Co-Supervisor:Associate Professor, Rachel Douglas-Jones, IT-University […]

We have four regular events

  1. The TiP Salon runs weekly during the semester. We convene around constructive engagement with new publications, visitors to the group and work in progress. The meeting is open, and runs at 12:00-13:00 on Wednesdays. Please contact Zea Yde to sign up to the email list.
  2. Shut up and Write takes place every week on  Wednesdays from 13:15 to 17:00. Based on the model promoted by Inger Mewburn, we commit to writing projects on the whiteboard and write in shorter sessions with breaks.
  3. The TiP Invited Speaker Series has been running since 2018, and each year 3-4 invited speakers present their work in a public forum. All welcome.
  4. The TiP Writing Workshop takes place twice a semester, where contributions from all members of TiP are welcome. The purpose of the workshop is to give and receive feedback on ‘in progress’ work. Practically the workshop entails reading all participants’ submission, being a ‘caring opponent’ on one particular text, and participating in constructive debate about the texts.

Sporadic events

When PhD students are at the right stage of their studies, they resurrect the longstanding institution of the STS Reading Group. Previous seasons of the Reading Group can be found here