Brit Ross Winthereik at Folkemødet 2019 – Can the welfare be digitalized?

Unbenannt Digitalization changes the welfare state. But how do we ensure that it benefits all? Join TiP Professor Brit Ross Winthereik in a debate at Folkemødet, Thursday June 13th.

As a consequence of Digitalization, the welfare state is undergoing changes once again. The contact with the public sector is becoming increasingly digital, and the authorities are collecting more and more data about the citizens. The children’s well-being, the visit to the doctor, the job search – everything is measured and registered. All with a promise of a higher level of service, smarter welfare solutions and lower costs.
But can we be sure that data collection and digital solutions actually lead to a better welfare? What happens to our trust in the system when we increasingly engage with the public authorities solely through a computer and at the same time leakages of sensitive data getting revealed by the media? Should the citizens gain more insight into how their data is used?

In this debate, the panel will engage in a discussion on how the digital welfare solutions can become democratic and well-functioning for everyone.

In the panel:

Mette Louise Kaagaard, EVP for Local Government and Director of Municipalities and Regions, KMD
Mette Harbo, Head of Digitization, City of Copenhagen, Health and Care Administration
Brit Ross Winthereik, professor and head of research project Data as relation, IT University in Copenhagen
Hanne Marie Motzfeldt, Associate Professor in Digital Management, University of Copenhagen

Moderator: Martin Breum, journalist and author

Find more information (in Danish) here.

Posted in Events, News.