Research interests
Science & Technology Studies. (Post-)Actor-Network Theory. Lateral thinking. Ontological multiplicity and complexity. The promises, aspirations and challenges related to information technologies, digitalization and computational thinking in theory and practice. Ethnographic, virtual, micro-sociological, mixed, and non-foundationalist approaches. Democracy, elections and disability. Bureaucracy and organizational theory. Fisheries inspection & surveillance.
I am PhD in informations Studies and Associate Professor
Recently, I had the honor to be elected chairman of the Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies
Since 2012 I have been the head of the interdisciplinary MSc Programme in Digital Innovation & Management.
More info here
Selected publications
Gad, C., C. Bruun Jensen (2014): "The promises of Practice". The Sociologial Review 62: 698–718 Gad, C. (2013): ‘A Post Plural Attitude’. NatureCultures 2: 50-79. Gad, C. (2012) ’What we Talk about when we Talk about Sailor Culture: Understanding Danish Fisheries Inspection through a Cult Movie’. Culture Unbound. 4: 367-392 Gad, C. & Bruun Jensen, C. (2010): ’On the Consequences of Post-ANT'. Science, Technology & Human Values. 35(1): 55-80. Gad, C. & Lauritsen, P. (2009): ’Situated Surveillance: An Ethnographic Study of Fisheries Inspection in Denmark' Surveillance and Society 7(1): 49-57.