On 7 December 2022, the Center for Climate IT launched with an event at the IT University. The afternoon featured a presentation of the center’s vision from Head of Center Steffen Dalsgaard and Associate Professor James Maguire, a talk on climate sustainability at ITU from Vice-Chancellor Per Bruun Brockhoff, and research presentations from ITU-based researchers Associate Professor Anna Vallgårda from Digital Design, PhD Fellow Ane Rahbek Vierø and Associate Professor Michael Szell from Computer Science, and Associate Professor James Maguire from Business IT, who showcased their ongoing research into topics like data-driven city planning of bicycle routes; how design can help us take better care of our technological and other artifacts; and the burgeoning exploration of how to store data in DNA as well as the ethical questions this raises. A panel of external guests were also welcomed to discuss the future role of IT in green transitions. The panel consisted of Professor and Prorector at the University of Copenhagen Kristian Cedervall Lauta, CEO of DigitalLead Carolina Benjaminsen, CEO of Electricity Maps Olivier Corradi, and Director of Science at Villum Fonden Thomas Bjørnholm, all of whom gave their input on how to move climate IT research forward.
Click here to watch the whole event.