Results from AI & Ethics Hackathon with IDA and Association of Nordic Engineers

Assistant Professor Baki Cakici, Associate Professor Irina Skhlovski and the ETHOS Lab have collaborated with affiliated researchers in developing a workshop, at which the membership of the Association of Nordic Engineers and Ingeniørforeningen IDA come together an voice their opinion on how ethics can and should figure in the development of AI technologies and methods.

“Improving human lives comes with taking on responsibility for the future of our societies and such responsibility is ethical as much as it is technical.” (Association of Nordic Engineers)

The results of the ANE AI&ethics hackathon have been released and can be found  in the content below:

  1. The final report, which is the thorough description of the hackathon deliberations
  2. Key policy recommendations and guidelines, which can also be found on ANEs website under news section.
  3. Short-video on our YouTube channel, which summarizes the objective of the hackathon.


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