Public lecture by Alexandre Mallard

The TiP group has invited Alexandre Mallard from Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, Mines ParisTech. Mallard is involved in a project entitled The Shaping of Markets, where he draws upon Michel Callon and Fabian Muniesa’s work on social studies of finance. In this lecture, Mallard will be talking about some of his work at France Telecom, focusing on the interplay between professional and personal uses of ICTs.

Everyone is welcome!

  • Date: 27 April 2011
  • Time: 10:00- 12:00
  • Room: 3A07 (ITU)

Title: ICTs and the work/life boundary: a review of research and perspectives for STS analysis

Abstract: In the recent period, a significant amount of research in psychology, social sciences and management sciences have questioned the transformations of the work/life boundary. The processes and practices through which people experience and manage the interface between organizational and personal life are evolving in various ways. Technology, and particularly information and communication technology plays an important role in these evolutions: while the capacity given by communication tools to establish connections between the professional and private spheres have been identified for long – as shows the early history of the telephone – recent technological developments in the domain of internet and mobile communication seem to offer unlimited possibilities to reconfigure the boundaries between them. In the frame of this lecture, I will review the current approaches to this issue and propose directions for an analysis rooted in the STS perspectives.

Posted in Events, News.