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Special Issue Released: “Environmental Management as Situated Practice”

TiP’s assistant professor Ingmar Lippert announced the publication of a  special issue on environmental management in the key geography journal Geoforum. Entitled Environmental Management as Situated Practice, the collection of papers contributes to theoretical conversations in the borderlands between Science and Technology Studies (STS), Environmental Anthropology, Environmental Sociology, Critical Management Studies and (More-than-)Human Geography. With […]

#DASTS 2016

This year’s Danish STS Conference, Interpellating Futures,  will be held in Aarhus, June 2-3.  The call for papers has just been issued, and two of the sessions have been proposed by members of TiP –  Session 3: Dreams for the Future: technocracy, utopianism, fantasy, anxiety was proposed by TiP’s Rachel Douglas-Jones, Marisa Cohn and Ingmar […]

Lea Schick

PhD. Fellow
Office: 3C12
Phone: +45 7218 5317

Research interest: Ubiquitous computing, sustainability, Science and Technology Studies (STS), Actor-network theory (ANT), architecture, ecology, social anthropology, cultural studies, social and cultural theory, post-structuralism, communication theory, gender studies, social media, Philosophy of Science and Technology.