Tea in TiP with Kirstine Lund Christiansen

Tea in TiP is a series that started a decade ago, where we interview guests who have come to spend time with us, about their projects and activities.The following took place by email in the Spring of 2024, between Rachel Douglas-Jones and Kristine Lund Christiansen, a guest hosted by James Maguire.     Hi Kirstine, […]

PhD Defense: Andy Lautrup, 19th December 13:00 Aud 0

On December 19th, Andy Lautrup will defend their dissertation “Generation Carbon: Loss, goodness and youth climate activism in Norway’s oil capital”. The defense will take place in Auditorium 0 at 1pm and be followed by a reception on the first floor of the atrium. All welcome!   Examination committee:Associate Professor, James Maguire, IT-University of Copenhagen […]

James Maguire PhD Defence

On Thursday, May 4th between 13:00-16:00 in Auditorium 2, James Maguire will defend his PhD thesis, entitled Icelandic Geopower: Accelerating and Infrastructuring Energy Landscapes. The PhD forms part of the Alien Energy research project, which has been reflecting on the impacts and effects of renewable energy initiatives at the edge, from geothermal energy to marine […]

STS Reading group Spring 2015

The aim of the reading group is to critically engage with current STS related topics and discussions based on selected readings. Previous topics have included ‘The Ontological Turn’, ‘Politics and the Political’, and ‘After Nature?’ Participants from all disciplinary backgrounds with an interest in STS are welcome to join the reading group. If interested, please contact Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgaard: ankn@itu.dk to get more info.

Technologies of Time – an interdisciplinary PhD workshop

This workshop is aimed at PhD students in a broad variety of disciplines, such as anthropology, archaeology, ethnology, history, science and technology (STS) and other related disciplines. The workshop invites papers dealing with the intersection of ‘time work’ and research, and not the least how specific (new) forms of technology reconfigure the temporality of the relation between researcher and object in a field of study.

STS reading group 2012-2014

We are a group of PhD students working within STS setting up a reading group at the IT University. We come together around the study of socio-technical networks with a focus on various publics.