TiP Salon

For several years the Technologies in Practice Group has been running the reading group, the TiP Salon (previously known as the STS Salon), with the aim to critically engage with the field of Science and Technology Studies through discussion of selected readings and trending topics.

While TiP has a strong disciplinary connection to STS, the field also has broad interdisciplinary reach with theories and methods exchanged across diverse domains from organizational studies, to health IT, to ubiquitous computing, and interaction design.

We therefore invite anyone at ITU who is developing or working with STS concepts do join us for a cross-disciplinary (and cross-departmental) conversation.

We started off the Spring 2017 term with some readings on the topic of Truth, facts, and politics as well as Anthropological approaches to the study of data. 

Previous topics have included ‘The Ontological Turn’, ‘Politics and the Political’, and ‘After Nature?’ Participants from all disciplinary backgrounds with an interest in STS are welcome to join the reading group.

Our meetings are Wednesdays 12:00-13:00, usually, but not always in room 3A08.

If you’re interested, please contact Zea Grønbæk Yde to join our mailing list and receive weekly updates about our meetings.


Previous STS Reading Group sessions can be found here (2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015)