
TiP Lexicon:


TiP Lexicon:


TiP Lexicon:


TiP Lexicon:

Technologies in Practice is one of Scandinavia’s leading research groups at the intersection of IT and society. Based at the IT University of Copenhagen, we conduct qualitative studies of technologically mediated practices in organisations and everyday life.

The vast majority of societal challenges demand critical engagement with contemporary technologies.

Our interdisciplinary environment provides students and researchers with the resources necessary for analysing entanglements of the social and technical with and through IT.


Phd Defense: Rasmus Tyge Haarløv 31 May 2024 1pm

Join us to hear about Rasmus Tyge Haarløv’s PhD research “Making Sense of Air Pollution Modelling: Framed Uncertainties” Auditorium 3 The examination committee is: Christopher Gad,  Associate Professor, IT-University of Copenhagen (Chair) Liliana Doganova, Associate Professor, PSL Université Paris, France Julia Kirch Kirkegaard, Senior Researcher, DTU, Denmark Supervisors: Principal Supervisor: Steffen Dalsgaard, Professor, IT University […]

A poster with luminous pink palm trees in the background, a book cover reading In the Land of the Unreal, above a face wearing a headset over the eyes. A photo in a round bubble is of a woman with curly shoulder length brown hair, against pink grass. The right bottom corner has her name, Lisa Messeri, and logos of the Technologies in Practice and Antropologforeningen cover the bottom of the poster.

Lisa Messeri, In the Land of the Unreal

Lisa Messeri, author of Placing Outer Space, has published a new book, titled In the Land of the Unreal. It came out in March, with Duke University Press. On Wednesday 10th April 14:00 CET, you are invited to join us for an online (also in person) book talk from Lisa.   In the book, Lisa takes […]

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  • Untitled
    Some excellent questions from the committee - not least the comment from Julia Kirch Kirkegaard that the thesis contains an "ontological cocktail, that I would not necessarily want to drink", prefacing questions about Rasmus's choice of theory.
  • Untitled
    The first paper in the thesis compares different ways of making sense of urban air in copenhagen, through different kinds of data witnessing - paper available here


We are an interdisciplinary group, with a shared interest in qualitative studies of technologically mediated practices. Our work is funded by the Danish Research Council, European Union's Horizon 2020 program, Carlsberg Foundation, Innovation Foundation, Novo Nordisk and the Velux Foundation.


We closely integrate our role as educators with our work as a research group. Our international faculty use insights from around the world in their teaching. Our teaching draws on disciplinary backgrounds such as information studies, history, anthropology, sociology, and critical computer science. We aim to help students address the critical questions arising at the intersection of society and technology.