Reflections on failures

Jessamy Perriam recently contributed with a chapter to a new book called FailuriSTS, edited by Sybille Lammes, Kat Jungnickel, Larissa Hjorth & Jen Rae in Theory on Demand (#47). It was published about a month ago by the Institute of Network Cultures in Amsterdam and in the volume, failure is considered a productive part of engaging with and in the field. It is about acknowledging the ‘mess’ of the social and how we need methods, modes of attunement, and knowledge translation that address this complexity in nuanced ways.

In her chapter, Jessamy narrates about some of her own experiences with failures and asks how we are to talk about failure in research, and how we can work with it in such a way that we do not feel shame about it, nor feel urged to capitalize on it.

You can buy the book or download it for free here.

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