This project will analyse unique technology-driven green transitions through ethnographic studies of Amazon-focused initiatives in Brazil. The destructive exploitation of the Amazon rainforest has for long been central to the Brazilian economy. In response to its environmental and climatic consequences, recent initiatives propose an economic model supported by advanced ‘4.0 technologies’ that develop local resources without environmental degradation and without marginalising the people living in and off the rainforest. While they pose as exemplary green transition initiatives, they also bring into question how the conflicting interests of disparate stakeholders (e.g. indigenous groups, settlers, scientists, and entrepreneurs) are negotiated in practice, and how the technologies impact on their relationships to each other and to the environment. The research project thus addresses how green transitions can be implemented in practice and what role(s) new technologies may play in this regard.
For further information on the project, fundings, and the goals of the research, see the following links:
There is a website in the making for the project which will be circulated and made available here when finished!